PAGES (for New Sewers)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Organizing My New Sewing Room...Part 1

Most of you have probably seen my new sewing room at Sew Passionista by DIANA and I thank you for the comments.To avoid a too long post, I'm doing only Part One of two parts, tonight.

I wanted to give a few details of how I organized my new space in hopes of maybe helping someone else who wants to reorganize her space.

I spent many hours thinking about, drawing and searching the internet  for ideas for my new room but I think many years of a small crowded space and a lot of sewing experience were my best guides to achieve what I wanted .

More than anything, I didn't want any clutter and I had to have enough room so my cutting table would fit in the middle of the room.. I think I achieved all that.

There had to be a cohesiveness about the furnishings. For this, I relied on the Internet. I started with my main wall units. My search finally took me to Canadian Tire and these closet organizers. They are also found at

At first I only wanted two towers but my husband was really sure I would need three and he was right.

Almost all of my fabrics found a place here. The large baskets at the bottom used to be in my family room under a shuffle board game which we donated to our community center. It held toys and games for grandchildren . Now they hold my fabrics for coats, suits, and linings. I even took pictures of each fabric as I layered them in the baskets so I would know where everything is.

The rolled up fabrics are my lighter knits. I grouped denims and sportswear fabrics on one shelf and heavier knits on another. Whites have their own space as well. So do printed fabrics and quilting flannels. ( I don't quilt so I don't know why I bought those!).

Other baskets hold my Threads, Vogue Patterns, and Burda magazines. I have baskets of larger scraps like denims in one basket and leathers, real and faux as well as suede in another. Laces and fancies are here.

This shelf holds my small collection of sewing books and pattern books which I get from Fabricville from time to time. Patterns are in covered shoe boxes on the top shelves.

The drawers hold silks, interfacings and materials for pattern drafting and alterations.

I left my more expensive wool fabrics in the closet in my old sewing room so they wouldn't be exposed to too much light.

Pretty much my whole stash is on these shelves. I donated many pieces to the Craft College in a a nearby city.

Here is my pressing station. Everything I need during the ironing process is close at hand here,

My inspiration board is also my project planning board.

. This basket also holds pattern papers, rulers, my sleeve board and whatnot.

My grandchildren keep me company while I practice my craft.

If I haven't bored you too much, visit me again later in the week and I'll show How I organized my sewing station .


  1. I love your sewing room, what a beautiful place to sew and create.

  2. Thanks for the tour, and now I want to plan my own redo.

  3. So neat! It looks like a place that would be a joy to sew in.

  4. My sewing area will look this neat only when I retire!!!

  5. This sewing room looks really nice! My grandmother had her own sewing room as well and I loved to watch her sew dresses for my dolls. I want to try my hand at sewing soon. Would you happen to know of any great sewing classes near Atlanta that I should go to?
