PAGES (for New Sewers)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Just Checking

I've been trying to figure out why people have stopped commenting on my Sew Passionista by Diana blog. I reset a few things and have signed up to follow this blog to see if it appears in my Reading list.

Riley at 3and 1/2years old

Her baby sister Poppy at 11 months.

So here goes. If this doesn't work I give up.


  1. It is coming through ok on Bloglovin, however I find it is much easier not to leave comments via this readee. Not sure why and also I had trouble before leaving a comment here without taking it out of the Bloglovin frame. This doesn't happen with other blogs.

  2. Ok it seems to be ok now, it let me comment in the Bloglovin frame. Perhaps they fixed that. BTW, the girls are so cute and don't they grow up too quickly!

  3. I am not receiving the posts for Sew Passionista although I received them on Google Reader until about a month ago.

  4. I got it on my feedly today, so here is a comment. Hope it all works out.

  5. Diana, I've been switching between using different readers, including bloglovin. I have not seen a post from you in some time. I just googled your blog to see what I missed and catch up.
    Hope it works out ok!

  6. I haven't anything from you lately, but this post came through my bloglovin page.

  7. They are adorable!
    Hope these comments are coming through for you..

  8. Riley and Poppy are adorable!

  9. I have been following you for some time now, but I only remember receiving a few blog reads. For a while there I thought you stopped blogging. I got this one.

  10. Thank you all for the feedback. Strangely, yhis postgot comments but my Sew Passionista post didn't. I;m just going to stop worrying about it. I didn't start a blog for the comments I would get. It was for the enjoyment of sharing my love of sewing with others. Thanks again.

  11. Received well. Can't wait to be SAHM and start my sewing lessons from your blogs.

  12. Beautiful kids! Did you sew their own clothes or what?
    Ed of
